Emerging Issues Learning Collaboratives Resources Social Determinants of Health

Cervical Cancer Prevention: Communication Interventions and Peer Health Education

Cervical Cancer Prevention: Communication Interventions and Peer Health Education
Friday – April 6, 2018
Recording | Slides | Summary Report
The incidence of human papillomavirus (HPV)–related cancers is more than 35 000 cases in the United States each year. Preventing high-risk HPV infection is the key to the prevention of cervical dysplasia and cancer. Barrier contraceptives, such as condoms, are only about 70% effective at preventing HPV transmission.  Effective HPV vaccines have been available in the United States for several years but are underused among adolescents, the target population for vaccination. Interventions to increase uptake are needed. This learning collaborative explores the use of communication interventions and peer health education to increase cervical cancer screening and the use of the HPV vaccine.