Emerging Issues

Emerging Issues Publications

Cervical Cancer Prevention Strategies in Public Housing Primary Care Settings
Most cervical cancers are associated with human papillomavirus (HPV) that can be preventable with HPV vaccines. The following issue brief provides findings from an NCHPH learning collaborative with Public Housing Primary Care grantees and other health centers located in or immediately accessible to public housing to determine successful strategies.

Colon Cancer Screening: Health Center Perspectives and Screening Recommendations 
Medically disadvantaged communities, notably residents of public housing and the HUD-assisted, are less likely than the general U.S. population to perform their colorectal cancer screening within recommended guidelines and more likely to be diagnosed with colorectal cancer. In this document, we provide the results of our analyses of the 2022 HRSA Health Center Patient Survey, specifically results which provide insight into the colorectal cancer screening disparities experienced by residents of public housing, the HUD-assisted, and the promising practices supported by the data analyses. 

Insights and Promising Practices: Disability Among Residents of Public Housing and HUD-Assisted Individuals
Among the fastest-growing populations in the U.S., individuals with emotional, intellectual or physical disabilities represent a large and growing proportion of the patients served by health centers, particularly those who provide care to underserved populations and communities.

In this publication, we present unique analyses completed by researchers at the National Center for Public Housing (NCHPH) using publicly available data provided by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the United States Government Accountability Office (GAO) which provide a unique perspective of the lives of patients of health centers, Residents of Public Housing and the HUD-Assisted.

National Center for Health in Public Housing’s Smoking Cessation Protocol: A Guide to Conducting Groups
This guide provides readers with all necessary information and supplemental materials that are needed to conduct a comprehensive smoking cessation program either in a group setting, or with individual patients.

Promoting CDC TIPS® Campaign Materials to Public Housing Residents
Public housing residents are more likely to smoke and suffer from health conditions that are exacerbated by smoking and secondhand smoke exposure. The objectives of this study were to educate health care providers on the CDC Tips® From Former Smokers resources, to increase access to smoking cessation materials for public housing residents and the health care providers that serve them, and to evaluate the pilot project.

Social Determinants Of Health: Diabetes
Diabetes is not only more prevalent among public housing residents, it is also more severe. Community assets, such as healthy food outlets and safe places to engage in physical activity, can determine diet and exercise, and in turn, obesity and diabetes rates. This publication by NCHPH explains the prevalence of diabetes in public housing.