
2021 Webinars

Addressing Barriers to Diabetes Prevention for Older Residents of Public Housing
Older adults living in communities with limited access to healthy foods or safe places to exercise can be at an increased risk for developing diabetes. This two-part webinar series reviewed behavioral interventions that incorporate age-specific considerations for public housing residents to delay or prevent type 2 diabetes.

Addressing Tobacco Dependency to Reduce COVID-19 Risks and Complications Webinar Series
Smoking is a major risk factor for most respiratory related infections. The early evidence in this area found that compared with non-smokers, smokers are more likely to develop serious COVID-19 disease. Recent studies also show that current smokers have been more likely to access various forms of smoking cessation assistance during the COVID-19 pandemic. This offers an opportunity for Health Centers to offer smoking cessation services, referrals, and in-house psychological and pharmacological interventions. These two webinars provided examples of cessation plans and resources that can be shared with patients trying to stop smoking.

“Are We Prepared for the Next Emergency?” Webinar Series
Health centers are likely to be the first point of contact for those seeking care for injuries, infectious diseases, and other emergency-related illnesses. As first-line responders, health centers are responsible for dealing with health emergency case management. The purpose of this webinar series is to increase awareness and understanding of the need for preparing for new emergencies beyond the COVID-19 pandemic.  

The webinar series provides an overview of best practices and challenges health centers face during emergencies and the role of primary care associations to lead the health centers’ emergency response. 

Diabetes Resources for Health Centers Serving Special and Vulnerable Populations
In this webinar, NCHPH hosted a dynamic introduction to the rich collection of resources on diabetes prevention and management for Health Center Programs. In this webinar, participants will learn about existing resources pertaining to diabetes and receive guidance and instruction on how to identify resources that fit individual Health Center needs. 

Partnering for the COVID Vaccine: Lessons from the Flu-LEAD Project
The National Nurse-Led Care Consortium, the National Center for Health in Public Housing, and subject matter experts from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development hosted a webinar about leveraging health center and housing authority partnerships for COVID vaccine distribution. Speakers discussed lessons learned from the HUD/HRSA Flu-LEAD (Linkages to End Access Disparities) project.

Integrating Behavioral Health During a Pandemic
Mental Health is an important topic for patients living in public housing, particularly during the crisis of a pandemic. In this webinar NCHPH discussed findings from research on the mental health of public housing residents and the medical director from La Maestra Community Health Center will discuss their innovative integrated behavioral health program.

Panel Discussion on COVID-19 Vaccination and Testing: Promising Practices, Lessons Learned and Challenges
The COVID-19 pandemic is changing rapidly and requires different strategies to maintain clinical preventive services including immunization and testing. During this panel discussion NCHPH, La Maestra Community Health Centers, Mile Square Health Center and Zufall Health Center addressed COVID-19 vaccination, testing promising practices, lessons learned and challenges. 

Hot Shots: What’s the Deal with Delta?
In conjunction with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), NCHPH co-hosted a webinar on how to collaborate with public housing agencies and other community organizations to support safe COVID-19 vaccination, masking, and social distancing practices in your community to help stop the spread of the COVID-19 Delta variant.

The Impact of Health Literacy on Diabetes Mellitus
In diabetes, health literacy is related to diabetes knowledge, self-efficacy and self-care behaviors and glycemic control. Health literacy may also provide a better understanding of racial disparities observed in patients with diabetes. This webinar describes the concept of health literacy and its assessment and the evidence of its impact on patients with diabetes and offers suggested methods and tools that may be implemented to improve clinical care.