

A Dialogue on Colorectal Cancer Screening Disparities: Screening and Prevention
Wednesday, November 27, 2024
According to Healthy People 2030, in 2021, the most recent year for which colorectal cancer data is available, 58.7% of adults aged 45-75 years received a colorectal cancer screening. The same HHS initiative looks to increase the proportion of adults who receive a colorectal cancer screening to 68.3% by 2030. Despite efforts, in 2023 the percentage of patients 45-75 years of age who had appropriate colorectal cancer screening in health center settings was 41.10%. This NCHPH podcast will review current screening recommendations and discuss challenges faced by health center programs and promising practices to increase colorectal cancer screening among public housing residents and other patients served by health centers in or immediately accessible to public housing, and it will help health centers to improve their health center framework maturity level by addressing needs such as outreach, equity, and patient care related to colorectal cancer screening.

Navigating Housing Support: A Deep Dive into HUD’s 811 Program for People with Disabilities
Monday, May 20, 2024
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This episode is the second part of a two-part podcast series presented by the National Center for Health in Public Housing. In this episode, we explore the HUD 811 Program, its purpose, and history. We also delve into the impact of the Olmstead decision on housing options under the 811 Program, ensuring community-based living for people with disabilities. We also clarify the differences between the 811 Program and the 202 Program for the elderly and distinguish 811 from traditional Public Housing and Section 8 housing. Finally, we provide guidance on local contacts and online resources for Health Centers seeking assistance. Join us for an informative discussion on the vital support provided by HUD’s 811 Program.

Oral Health Disparities and Challenges in Individuals with Special Needs
Monday, May 6, 2024
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This episode is the first part of a two-part podcast series presented by the National Center for Health in Public Housing. The goal of the podcast series is to highlight the need to provide specialized services to people with special needs living in public or assisted housing. In this episode, we introduce the unique challenges faced by people with disabilities in public housing and how La Maestra Community Health Centers, located in San Diego, California, is addressing these needs. We will dive into the concept of Special Needs Dentistry, highlighting its importance and the array of oral health and prevention services provided.

Flu Vaccination Questions and Answers
Tuesday, December 5, 2023
In this podcast episode, Dr. Jose Leon, MD and Fide Pineda Sandoval, CHES discussed some of the most common questions that are asked about flu vaccination.

HUD Strong Families Initiative
Friday, May 6, 2022
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The podcast explores the HUD Strong Families Initiative and its efforts to strengthen, empower and improve the quality of life for HUD-assisted families, by focusing on three areas: health, education and economic empowerment. Built on a long standing Father’s Day effort to involve fathers in the lives of their children, the Strong Families Initiative now includes mothers, children and parents of all kinds and provides an opportunity for communities to deliver a wide variety of resources to families.

Discussion highlights include HUD’s focus on health and wellness and the importance of partnerships between public housing agencies and other providers of HUD-assisted housing and health providers, including health centers and local departments of health. Our featured guests from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Office of Public and Indian Housing, Community and Support Services Division, are two leaders of the HUD Strong Families Initiative Maria-Lana Queen, Public Housing Grant Manager, and Lewis Dorman, ROSS Program Manager and a Jobs Plus Grant Manager.

Social Determinants of Health Screening Tools 101: How to Screen for Social Determinants of Health
Thursday, March 31, 2022
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In this podcast, we go over various techniques that can be used when screening for social determinants of health.

Increasing Awareness on Healthy Food Choices for Obese and Overweight Adults 
Monday, February 28, 2022
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In this podcast episode, we discuss the difference between being overweight and obese, obesity causes, complications, and how food choices can impact being overweight or obese. We also provide information on what health centers are doing to address this issue.

Social Determinants of Health Screening Tools: A Health Center’s Perspective
Monday, March 8, 2021
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La Maestra Health Center has been serving the needs of their community for over 30 years. During that time, La Maestra has developed its own screening tool, based on the SDOH risk factors impacting their patients. In this interview, Dr. Zara Marsellian discusses La Maestra’s screening journey: the pros and cons of existing screening tools; supplemental questions or tools they have developed to better serve their patients; challenges they encountered in implementing the screening tool; and promising practices and advice for other health centers.

Health in Public Housing Podcast: Women’s Health Programs in Public Housing Primary Care (PHPC)
Friday, May 15, 2020
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On this episode of the Health in Public Housing Podcast Series, NCHPH collaborates with Cynthia Kaser and Noemi Romo of La Maestra Community Health Centers to discuss their women’s health programs and services that they offer. 

Health in Public Housing Podcast Series: Addressing Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) in Patients with Diabetes
Friday, May 8, 2020
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On this episode of the Health in Public Housing Podcast Series, NCHPH interviews Teresita Lawson, RPh, CDE to further address various factors that contribute to the social determinants of health in addition to the effects that they have on persons living with diabetes. 

Patient Intervention Strategies for the Collaborative Care Team: Pre-Visit Planning
Thursday, May 23, 2019
During this session, participants discussed different models for group visit and explored best practices used in health centers. The session relied on case studies and real-life scenarios to discuss challenges and successes using group visits with vulnerable populations.  

Patient Engagement Strategies for the Collaborative Care Team: Motivational Interviewing 1
Thursday, May 2, 2019
This session lead participants through the key elements of motivational interviewing, with a particular focus on how to engage socially and ethnically diverse patient populations. The session examined the key elements of motivational interviewing.

Human Trafficking or Involuntary Servitude in the United States
Tuesday, April 30, 2019
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In the last ten years, more than 49,000 cases were reported to the National Human Trafficking Hotline, the largest available data set on human trafficking in the United States. In this podcast La Maestra Community Health Centers shares it’s human trafficking program and the community collaborations to address this issue.

Building an Effective Collaborative Care Team to Address Diabetes in Special and Vulnerable Populations: Tailoring Care for Social Context
Thursday, April 18th, 2019
This session focused on the necessary elements to develop a high functioning patient-centered team for diabetes prevention, management, and treatment in primary care. The session addressed the roles of all members of the team including the critical role of leadership and clinical champions to building an effective collaborative team.