COVID-19 Operations Public Housing Residents Publications Resources Workforce

Impact of COVID-19 On Public Housing Primary Care (PHPC) Health Center Patients and Operations

Impact of COVID-19 On Public Housing Primary Care (PHPC) Health Center Patients and Operations March 2022 View Publication This publication by NCHPH highlights findings from a survey distributed to public housing residents assessing the effects that COVID-19 has had on Public Housing Primary Care (PHPC) patients and health center operations.

Diabetes Public Housing Residents Resources Webinars

Addressing Barriers to Diabetes Management for Residents of Public Housing

Public Housing Residents Publications Resources Social Determinants of Health

Data Discovery: Snapshot of Social Determinants of Health in Public Housing Primary Care Communities

Data Discovery: Snapshot of Social Determinants of Health in Public Housing Primary Care Communities March 2022 View Publication This brief describes the findings of an online mapping resource that shows the distribution of Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) indicators across counties with Public Housing Primary Care (PHPC) health centers. The publication will summarize the importance […]

Diabetes Public Housing Residents Publications Social Determinants of Health

Finding Healthy Food: The Effects of ‘Food Deserts’ on Public Housing Residents Living with Diabetes

Nutrition is one of the key elements to living a healthy lifestyle and is particularly important for persons living with diabetes. It is one of the main factors that can affect a person’s quality of life. While a diabetic patient may be eating at least three meals every day, the nutritional value of the food […]

Public Housing Residents Publications Social Determinants of Health

Guide to SDOH Screening Tools for Public Housing Residents

Guide to SDOH Screening Tools for Public Housing Residents View Publication Patients served by health centers are more likely to be affected by one or more SDOH when compared to the general population. Therefore, it is important for health centers to fully document the SDOH of their patients to determine the best approach to providing […]