
SDOH Academy Innovations Showcase Kickoff Webinar

SDOH Academy Innovations Showcase Kickoff Webinar Thursday, May 12, 2022 Slides | Recording In this webinar, health centers were provided the opportunity to demonstrate the work that they have been doing to address Social Determinants of Health.

Resources Social Determinants of Health

Using SDOH Data to Screen for Social Vulnerability

Using SDOH Data to Screen for Social Vulnerability Wednesday, April 27, 2022 Slides | Recording NCHPH, JSI, and HITEQ hosted a webinar that discussed how health centers can access and use available SDOH data sources to determine and screen the social vulnerability of their patients and link them to appropriate care and services. Additional Resources: […]

COVID-19 Operations Public Housing Residents Publications Resources Workforce

Impact of COVID-19 On Public Housing Primary Care (PHPC) Health Center Patients and Operations

Impact of COVID-19 On Public Housing Primary Care (PHPC) Health Center Patients and Operations March 2022 View Publication This publication by NCHPH highlights findings from a survey distributed to public housing residents assessing the effects that COVID-19 has had on Public Housing Primary Care (PHPC) patients and health center operations.

Diabetes Promising Practices Publications Resources

How Health Centers Can Promote Benefits of Exercise to Diabetic Public Housing Residents and Promising Practices

Getting regular exercise can be a challenge, but there are many positive benefits, particularly for people with diabetes. Physical inactivity is associated with the development of 40 chronic diseases, including Type 2 Diabetes.1 However, exercise can be difficult for people living in public housing because some public housing developments are in crime-ridden areas or areas […]

COVID-19 Resources Webinars Workforce

The COVID-19 Pandemic and the Health Center Workforce: Challenges and Solutions