Community Collaborations Operations Promising Practices Webinars Workforce

Health Center Outreach Strategies and Insurance Outreach and Enrollment Efforts

Health Center Outreach Strategies and Insurance Outreach and Enrollment Efforts
December 17, 2015 

Slides | Recording


  1. Karen C. Parker, Special Programs Officer, Quality of Life Health Services
  2. Michelle Blanchfield, Director of Outreach & Special Populations, Zufall Health Center

Reaching and enrolling eligible children and parents in Medicaid, CHIP, and other health insurance options can be challenging, but health centers throughout the country are finding ways to connect eligible people to health coverage. This webinar will highlight successful outreach strategies to improve rates of coverage for public housing residents and other patients served by PHPCs. Hear how health centers have developed unique outreach strategies that are tailored to a community’s needs & can boost Health Insurance enrollment efforts. Learn how to get people connected to the coverage and care that they need. Join the webinar to learn about tips, techniques and resources that you can use in your efforts.