Emerging Issues Webinars Workforce

Screening for Colorectal Cancer: A Patient-Centered Approach to Improving Marketing and Promotion

Screening for Colorectal Cancer: A Patient-Centered Approach to Improving Marketing and Promotion

Monday, November 27, 2023

Slides | Recording

Screening is an essential tool in the prevention of colorectal cancer. Nearly 2 million people in the U.S. are diagnosed with colorectal cancer per year, a significant proportion of these cases could be prevented or diagnosed sooner in screening was more widely utilized by the public.
In this webinar, Dr. Kevin Lombardi and the NCHPH team took a practical, epidemiological view of the promotion and marketing of colorectal screening services. The session included a review of validated promising practices, screening tools and marketing procedures that have been shown to increase rates of colorectal screening in populations of FQHC patients.
Special attention was given to the cultural, linguistic and social conditions that increase screening use in patients from traditionally medically underserved communities and the clinical and workforce management processes that lead to more patient-centered care. The session format included case studies and discussion portions designed to illicit a meaningful, enjoyable and collective interdisciplinary learning experience.