Clinical Issues Webinars

Increasing Health Literacy in Dental Settings: Key Recommendations for Practice

Increasing Health Literacy in Dental Settings: Key Recommendations for Practice Tuesday, February 27th, 2018 Recording | Slides Summary: Nearly nine out of ten U.S. adults have difficulty understanding and using everyday health information that is generally available in health care facilities, retail outlets, media and communities.  Fourteen percent of Americans have below basic health literacy.  People […]

Clinical Issues Learning Collaboratives Resources Social Determinants of Health Special and Vulnerable Populations

Diabetes: Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services

Diabetes: Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services Tuesday, February 20, 2018 Slides Minority groups are affected by diabetes at significantly greater rates when compared to non-Hispanic white Americans for reasons that are multidimensional. Diabetes educators need be mindful of the cultural traditions and customs among all cultural and ethnic groups and to recognize socio-economic challenges that […]

Clinical Issues Resources Webinars

Hepatitis C Infection: Updated Information for Front Line Workers in Primary Care Settings

Hepatitis C Infection: Updated Information for Front Line Workers in Primary Care Settings Wednesday, February 14th, 2018 Slides | Recording Summary: Hepatitis C is a viral infection caused by the hepatitis C virus (HCV) that produces liver inflammation and damage. In 2014, a total of 2,194 cases of acute hepatitis C were reported to CDC from […]

Clinical Issues Webinars Workforce

Presenting Quality Data to the Board – What Questions to Ask

Presenting Quality Data to the Board – What Questions to Ask February 28, 2017 Slides | Recording Panelist: Michelle Layton BSN, MBA One of the goals of the Health Center Board is to support quality improvement efforts. The involvement of the Board of Directors is a critical component of a successful Quality Management Program. This webinar […]

Clinical Issues Quality Improvement Webinars Workforce

Uniform Data System Training 2017: Special Populations Webinar Series

Uniform Data System Training 2017: Special Populations Webinar Series January 10-12, 2017 Slides | Recording The Massachusetts League of Community Health Center is partnering with several National Cooperative Agreement organizations to provide three separate 30-minute webinars on January 10th, 11th, and the 12th. This webinar series addresses each of the three Health Resources and Services […]