Community-Based Exercise and Weight Control Models November 21, 2017 Slides The problems associated with poor diet, physical inactivity, and obesity affect most population segments; however, there are marked disparities in the impact that these problems have on various groups of people, particularly by race/ethnicity and by education level and age are more prevalent in public […]
Category: Learning Collaboratives
The Smoking Ban in Public Housing November 1, 2017 Slides In this presentation, NCHPH lead a discussion on how health centers and public housing authorities are collaborating to stop smoking in public housing communities. An overview was presented on HUD’s final rule on banning smoking and the smoking restrictions that it entails. Barriers for PHAs […]
Housing and Health: Building Partnerships to Support Public Housing Residents October 27, 2017 Slides This learning collaborative explores best practices for partnering with Public Housing Authorities and find opportunities to expand health services for vulnerable, isolated communities. Through improved communications and collaborations with housing partners, additional opportunities may emerge to meet the needs of public housing residents […]
Strategies for Diabetes Awareness, Prevention and Control: Focusing on Prediabetes/ Addressing Socioecological Determinants of Prediabetes and Diabetes October 24, 2017 Recording | Summary Report The world is in the midst of parallel and rapidly advancing epidemics – obesity and type 2 diabetes – that begun in the latter of the 20th century and continue to grow, […]
Cervical Cancer Screening and HPV Vaccine Promotion October 24, 2017 Slides Most cervical cancers are associated with human papillomavirus (HPV), a sexually transmitted infection. Widespread immunization with the HPV vaccine could reduce the impact of cervical cancer not only in the U.S., but worldwide. During this session we explored barriers to HPV vaccination, myths and […]