Behavioral Health Public Housing Residents Webinars

The Impact of Public Health Emergencies on Community Mental Health: Preparation and Response

The Impact of Public Health Emergencies on Community Mental Health: Preparation and Response

Thursday, December 14, 2023

Slides | Recording

The burden of preparation and response to Public Health Emergencies is expected to be a prominent aspect of health center operations for the foreseeable future. In this webinar, Dr. Kevin Lombardi MD, MPH, the NCHPH team and Tom Vu from La Maestra Community Health Centers presented an epidemiological perspective of the effect of PHEs on the provision of behavioral/addiction services. Additionally, in this session we examined the impact of these events on the mental health and wellbeing of traditionally underserviced communities, with special attention given to Residents of Public Housing and HUD-assisted families. The material covered in this webinar was high-yield and pragmatic, with a focus on validated screening/organizational tools, processes and promising practices to manage patient and community needs during PHE’s. Session format included case studies and discussion portions designed to illicit a meaningful, enjoyable and collective interdisciplinary learning experience.